HEXAGON Geospatial SW
Producer Suite - ERDAS IMAGINE®
IMAGINE Point Cloud Suite
Stereo Analyst®
Provider Suite - Server & ECW
Platform Suite - Web & Mobile
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3D-HW Produkte
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Die Produktepallette enthält professionelle Werkzeuge (Tools) für:

Server- und Daten-Komprimiereungslösungen

Effektive Verwaltung und Verteilung raumbezogener Information
Enhanced Compression Wavelet (ECW)
Reduziert die Bilddatenmenge deutlich - ohne sicht­baren Quali­täts­ver­lust.

ECW für ArcGIS Server

Waveletkomprimierung - ECW / JPEG 2000 für Big Data

Wavelet-komprimierte Datenformate wie ECW und JPEG 2000 sind effi­zien­te Kom­pri­mie­rungs­formate die aus der Fern­erkun­dungs-, Photo­gramme­trie- und GIS-Welt nicht mehr weg­zu­den­ken sind. Das Enhanced Com­pression Wave­let (ECW) Ver­fahren von ERDAS® er­laubt eine deut­liche Redu­zie­rung der Daten­men­ge bei Bild­daten, und das ohne sicht­baren Quali­täts­ver­lust. JPEG 2000 ist ein ISO zerti­fi­zier­tes und mittler­weile weit ver­brei­te­tes Kom­pri­mie­rungs­for­mat für Bild­da­ten.

[ECW/ECWP Format = High-performance Image Compression & Delivery]
> Analyzing the ECW Format Lifecycle

ECW r/w in den Basis-Lösungen

    Create an unlimited number of ECW and JPEG 2000 compressed images from input images of up to 250 gigapixels ( IMAGINE Essentials), of up to 500 gigapixels ( IMAGINE Advantage), unlimeted (IMAGINE Professional) - with either export or direct-write.
    Securely disseminate massive volumes of imagery using ECWP, ensuring robust performance and integration into other applications.

  • GEOMEDIA (read only!)
    The ECW display  workflow is exactly the same as that for conventional imagery inside GeoMedia, only it’s much quicker and requires far less data.
  • GEOMEDIA WEBMAP (read only!)
    ECWP gives GeoMedia WebMap applications superior image delivery performance and substantially reduces the client cache space requirements.
  • GEOMEDIA SMART CLIENT (read only!)
    Stream raster backdrops via ECWP to remove client pre-cache processing and cache volume requirements, all while delivering exceptional display performance for the user.

Weitere ECW Compression Products

  • GEOcompressor von GEOSYSTEMS 
    Standalone-Programm zum Erstellen von ECW und JPEG 2000.
  • GeoCompressor von HxG Geospatial
    A stand-alone, high performance geospatial image and point cloud compression application designed to simplify the creation of ECW, JPEG2000 and HPC formats. 
  • ECW for ArcGIS Server
    Enable Esri ArcGIS for Server to read and serve ECW imagery via standard web services. 

  • ECW for ArcGIS Desktop Plugin 2018 for Windows
    Adds the ability to read ECW, ER Mapper ERS and Algorithm ALG files in ArcGIS Desktop. It provides an interface to discover data in ERDAS APOLLO and rapidly streams image data via ECWP. 
  • ECW Plugin for AutoCAD
    Greatly improve AutoCAD raster handling with ECW compression.
  • ERDAS ECW Browser Plugins 2016
    Full release product that supports ERDAS APOLLO and Geospatial Portal. It adds ECWP, JPIP support to web browsers on the Windows platform for incredible image streaming performance as well as continued use of  MyVR 3D technology for use within Geospatial Portal to enable streaming of imagery and point-clouds over ECWP.
    For Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browser 
    Empowering software developers to integrate high performance image compression and decompression directly into their applications. Available in read-only or read-write versions, for desktop, server, and mobile platforms.